Select table name ( Employees table for this sample), and click on OK. 选择表名(对于本样例为Employees表),然后单击OK。
Names is the name of the input port that is connected to the name mapping table RETAIL_NAMES. Names是输入端口的名称,该输入端口被连接到名称映射表RETAILNAMES。
If you omit table name and table schema, information is returned for all tables in the database. 如果您省略了表名和表模式,那么为数据库中的所有表返回信息。
This annotation performs the actual mapping between the class name and the table in the underlying database. 该标注执行类名与底层数据库表之间的实际映射。
The item names can be added with a name mapping table which contains the item ids and a corresponding description. 商品的名称可以通过一个名称映射表添加,该表包含商品id及相应的描述。
Both columns come from the RETAIL_NAMES table representing a name lookup table. 这两列都来自于RETAILNAMES表,该表是一个名称查阅表。
In this case, the fully qualified name of the table to query must follow the FROM keyword. 在这种情况下,要查询的表的完全限定名称必须位于FROM关键字之后。
The name table was incorrectly formed. 名称表的格式不正确。
Specifies the name of the table or file where DTA records events that it could not tune. 指定dta记录其无法优化的事件的表或文件的名称。
You will be prompted to name this table later. 稍后会提示您命名该表。
You cannot have two fields with the same name in a table. 同一张表中不能有两个同名的字段。
You sign a name on this table please. 请你在这张表格上签个名字,好吗?
Not the same name table. 不是同一个名称表。
By that time'Ping-Pong'had been registered as a trademark, so the earlier name of table tennis was re-introduced. 在那时,乒乓球被作为一种商标予以注册,所以,乒乓球再度浮出人们脑海的记忆。
Select the name of the table or view from a list of those available in the data source. 从数据源的可用表列表或视图列表中选择表或视图的名称。
Is the name of the table or view from which the rows are to be removed. 要从其中删除行的表或视图的名称。
Is the name of the table and column or the alias data type from which the rule is unbound. 要取消规则绑定的表和列或别名数据类型的名称。
Is the name of the table or view associated with the index. 与该索引关联的表或视图的名称。
Is the name of the table or view that is to receive the data. 要接收数据的表或视图的名称。
Requested algorithm name could not be found in the name table. 无法在名称表中找到所请求的算法名称。
A duplicate name existed in the local name table. 本地名称列表中有相同的名称。
Parameters such as database name and table name are null. 数据库名和表名等参数为空。
Direct access program name table 直接存取程序名字表
A ( Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address. 使用远程计算机的IP地址并列出茗称表。
You must specify a name for the table to export to the database. 您必须指定要导出到数据库的表的名称。
Is the name of the table that has been marked for full-text querying. 指定表的名称,该表已标记为全文查询。
In this paper we put forward an inverse name frequency model. Based on this model, context pattern, adjacent chain, special name table and position dependent information, we designed an effective system for automatically identifying Chinese names in texts. 我们提出了基于语料库统计的反比姓名概率模型,并结合上下文模式、邻接链、特殊姓、位置依存信息等四个辨识模块,设计了一个中文姓名辨识系统。
The generality demand that the name of database, the name of table and the name of field can be dynamically selected, and the data can be dynamically got, and the format of report can be dynamically made. 其通用性主要表现在动态选择数据库名、表名、字段名,动态地提取报表数据,动态地生成报表格式。